I am a woman primarily content with who I am and gratefully comfortable in my own skin.  I prance through life enjoying simple things such as my first sip of tea in the early morning, dozing in the sun, and listening to the sound of rain as it pounds on pavement.

I proudly claim “serendipity” as one of my favorite words in the English language. I strive to awake each morning with the anticipation of accidentally finding something wonderful while not looking for it. It’s an ongoing goal I need to refresh each day but when I walk with baby steps, so as not to overlook a moment of grace, my evenings usually end with a feeling of happy satisfaction.  

Variegated Views is my way of sharing joy and spreading sparkle, with the hope that all my followers will be inspired to do the same. 

Taking joy in living is a woman’s best cosmetic.

(Rosalind Russell)

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